4 practical Spark sessions to become a FullStory power user
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4 practical Spark sessions to become a FullStory power user

The FullStory Team
Posted August 23, 2022

This October, FullStory is hosting Spark, the first Digital Experience Intelligence conference in Atlanta. Spark is a meeting ground for industry-leading product managers, developers, UX designers, data scientists, and anyone focused on building better digital customer experiences. 

Spark attendees will have access to an exciting lineup of sessions including user panels, keynote speakers, networking events, and more. In addition to sessions on DX strategies and high-level best practices, Spark will feature several FullStory-led workshops where you can ask questions, see examples, and get inside tips on maximizing specific features in the FullStory platform. 

Let’s take a closer look at four practical sessions where Spark attendees can learn about using FullStory from the folks who built it. 

Ready to stoke your passion for crafting the ultimate digital experience? Join us at Spark, the first DXI conference. Learn more and register.

1. Combining Segments with Funnels and Metrics

FullStory is like a toolbox. Inside are versatile tools like Segments, Metrics, Funnels, and so much more. Each is functional and powerful on its own, but their force is multiplied when they’re used together. For example, layering key user segments onto funnels or filtering by success metrics can grant you a much deeper understanding of users than looking at each datapoint individually. Learning to use these tools in tandem brings you valuable insights on your most important user groups—empowering you to make DX improvements. 

This session will teach you to understand a framework for building meaningful Segments, and walk through how to test and analyze user behavior for optimization use cases. 

About the session leader: Brent Hildebrand

As a customer success leader inside of FullStory, Brent is responsible for helping our customers unlock value at scale. After holding roles in Sales, Onboarding, and Customer Success, he has found his passion in building connections to help users realize the full power of Digital Experience Intelligence. Brent’s best days are when he sees a user achieve their “aha moment” in FullStory.

2. Getting started with Data Layer Capture

In a nutshell,Data Layer Capture (DLC) gives you the ability to track custom events and user variables across your organization’s website. This might sound like an intimidating topic—one that would be a years-long undertaking for your organization. But with FullStory, integrating DLC into your day-to-day is as simple as flipping a virtual switch. In this session, you’ll learn about general data layer concepts, hear best practices for Data Layer Capture configuration, and get expert tips from FullStory’s consulting pros on getting DLC set up for success for your organization. 

About the session leader: Van Staub

Van is a Manager of Solutions Architecture at FullStory. Van uses his FullStory expertise and technical background to create the best environment for consultants to support client projects—including guidance on solution design, partner growth, international expansion, and strategic projects.

3. Deep dive: Fine-tuning Watched Elements

Watched Elements are one of the most powerful features of FullStory, but many organizations leave a lot on the table when it comes to its capabilities. By dialing in high-value opportunities in Conversions and keeping tabs on the highest-value elements on your site, teams can become more precise and discrete about eliminating loading spinners, error classes, network errors, and other rage-inducing roadblocks.

Session attendees will uncover best practices for Watched Elements, and find out how to correlate Dashboards and Conversions with Watched Elements to maximize growth. 

About the session leader: Lane Greer

Lane is a Sales Engineering Specialist whose team supports highly complex platform evaluations. He joined FullStory in 2018 as part of the Customer Success organization. 

Witnessing the analytic creativity FullStory enables for its users fuels him day in and day out. He’s a natural puzzle solver and finds that the most complex (and gratifying) puzzles to tackle are always the ones that involve people and their unique problems.

4. CX, UX, PM, and more: How FullStory aligns acronyms across the organization 

Do multiple teams at your organization use FullStory? Are you on the hook to successfully roll FullStory out to your company? In this session, you’ll hear how one world-class online retailer implemented FullStory across hundreds of users and half a dozen teams in just two months. Attendees will come away with practical advice and first-hand experience to put to use immediately, including best practices for change management and organizational communication. 

This session will provide best practices for a smooth FullStory implementation process and tips for aligning teams inside the platform—no matter your organization’s size. 

About the session leaders: Miriam Harris and Linda Escobar

Miriam is an Enterprise Customer Success Director at FullStory and a relationship builder, community developer, and customer champion creator. She spent the last five years dedicated to Amazon’s Salesforce success, and the last 13 in Biotech/SaaS.

Linda is a Senior Onboarding Specialist at FullStory who is passionate about customer onboarding, enablement and project management. She spent the last six years in the world of SaaS collaborating with international enterprise clients. 

Discover more expert insights at the world's first Digital Experience Intelligence conference. Save the date for Spark here.

The FullStory TeamContributor

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Our team of digital experience intelligence experts shares tips and best practices.

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